Seeking the Forgotten

Germany’s boomtown has not only a rich cultural and historical heritage, but boasts with buildings constructed after a wide range of architectural periods and styles- from the old renaissance city hall on the market place to baroque period trading houses as well as the countless buildings from the Gründerzeit era during the economic boom in the late 19th century.

In contrast to these bustling architectural landmarks, so-called urban exploration takes us to the realm of the Leipzig ruins, to lost places, hidden worlds, that seem mystically withdrawn from the eye of the beholder but offer a great insight into the late history of the city. With the beginning of industrialization, these buildings decisively shaped the cityscape with its beautiful architecture. Nowadays, these large properties are either waiting for investors, are in the process of conversion, or they deteriorate as speculative objects. But their former beauty remains conserved in the remnants of their original state- reshaped by human influence and the force of nature.


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